By entering into this agreement I accept the risk of entering and being present at Carlson Gracie Jiu Jitsu Team Karachi (a project of Anis Ahmed & Brothers (Pvt.) Ltd) [hereafter referred to as CGK] and give up and waive all claims I or anyone acting on my behalf or through me might have against operators, Instructors, Instructors Assistant, students, sponsors, officials, participants, non-participants, employees and representatives for any injury or condition regardless of its nature, effect or affect on me as a result of my participation and/or presence at the CGK. I understand the risks of training in the martial arts taught at this club and accept that serious injury or even death are a possibility.
I authorise, and agree to hold blameless, whatever medical personnel or official that may be present at CGK to take any action they feel is necessary, should I become injured.
I represent that I am in good health; that I am not presently, nor will I participate while under the influence of any alcohol, drug or medication; that no one affiliated with CGK has encouraged me to enter or made any representations regarding my fitness or ability to participate; that I have read and understood every provision of this release; and that I am legally competent to and freely enter into this waiver, release and assumption of risk agreement.
I understand that if there is any technique, exercise or drill that I feel may be beyond my ability I will exercise my right to decline to perform said movement or action and that I will refrain from doing anything that may cause or exacerbate an injury or physical condition that I have. I understand that complicated physical movements may be required and release all instructors and employees of CGK from any responsibility should said movements or techniques result in injury or death. I also agree that my attendance and/or performance at CGK may be photographed filmed or taped and used for marketing purposes and I waive the right to compensation thereof. Furthermore, if the student is a minor, I hereby certify that I am Parent or legal guardian of the above named minor; that I have read and understood every provision of this release; and that I am legally competent to and freely enter into this waiver, release and assumption of risk agreement on behalf of the minor and myself.